Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Interview w/ Underground Artist Bugz Bizarre

Interview w/ Underground Artist Bugz Bizarre

When and where were you born?

Bugz Bizarre
I was born in Oakland, California on Feb. 26, 1982.
When did you get into music?
Bugz Bizarre
I had the love for music as a child. I remember my auntie trotting through the house rapping Salt-N-Pepa. My uncle on the other hand was a big time N.W.A. fan so I got a dose of the fun, and the gangsta which in the end trickled down to me and influenced what I do today.
Who are your influences?
Bugz Bizarre
Besides N.W.A. growing up, my biggest influences were Tupac, Jay-Z, Nas, and E-40. Those are the artists that I feel had the largest push on the style and quality of
music I make.
What are some projects you have worked on thus far? How have you progress? What’s your musical style?
Bugz Bizarre
I recently released an album on Feb. 26th entitled “Chapter 1: The Battlefield”. I helped launch a fellow artist’s (DopeAzzMuzik) mixtape and is working on my next album entitled “Chapter 2: Betrayal”. I’m often told I have a gangsta style that I often try to disguise…lol, but I have…Keak Da Sneak’s vibe, with Tupac’s messages, with a Nas state of mind. Sort of like a Gangsta Lyricist.
What’s in store for the future?
I’ve teamed up with DopeAzzMuzik to form a small independent label, but we have a lot of work up ahead. I also started a mastering and production company called Oakland Ape Bass. I have a lot of music videos to shoot for my newly released album as well as my new album set to drop in Feb.of 2013. I have a mixtape set to drop on Datpiff, and I’ve been collaborating with multiple artists. I’m working on some radio interviews as well as radio promotion. So look out, Bugz Bizarre’s coming to a media network near you!

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